Monday, August 4, 2008

Mad Dog wins Grand Prix at National Amateur Championships

Mad Dog (aka Pitts Special) gave me the ride of my life to win the Grand Prix at the Outdoor Amatuer Championships yesterday. It's hard to describe the feeling when both you and your horse know each others every thought and you are both in the zone. You set off and get into this rhythm where each fence just comes and goes and both of you are totally focused on jumping this one and before landing are already going for the next one. He has never jumped with such confidence and a big track too. It was a privilege to ride him.

He won me 3 hours training with Olive Clarke, one of Ireland's up and coming show jumpers, and enough vouchers for a stereo system for the horse lorry (for those very long journeys). Thanks Mad Dog.

Sister Katy didn't do so bad either. A confident and fastish clear round in the Speed Derby over a very long track earned her a third place.

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