Launching Long Now’s Second Quarter Century
3 days ago
Phoebe Bright Dunmanway, Co. Cork, Ireland I've been meaning to start blogging for ages, but blog on what? Energy, new technology, horses, computer vision, cctv systems, internet stuff .... So rather than try and choose and do a 'proper' blog, I'm just putting in random jottings from my daily trawl of online news or any other thought that comes into my head. This is not intended to impress anyone, but is more a place where I can note things of interest to me somewhere I can find it later!
Trouble with this solution, ingenious though it is, is that the meter person is going to rip it out on her next visit. Anyone know a meter installer? They can take their kit apart and may find innovative possibilities that look less scary.
more here: and this one attached with blue tac!
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