Friday, October 5, 2012

A Cheesy Adventure

I made my first cheese.  It was creamy and tasty and so easy, so now I'm trying Mozzarella!  This was all thanks to the really excellent marketing of Lakeland.  If you don't already get their catalogues full or useful and thought provoking products (who has room for a special plastic dish just for soaking oven racks, and a special brush for cleaning your electric grill and panini maker! ) you can browse their shop here  So the catalogue with the picture of cheese on the front cover and the cheese kit on the first page caught my eye and I duly purchased the moulds and book.

I tried to find some non-homogenized goats milk but in the end used Glenisk goat's milk which worked just fine.  Here are the instructions:

1 litre Glenisk goat's milk - heat gently to 24 degrees (watch out, that doesn't take long) the remove from the heat and add 2 tubs of Glenisk goat's plain yoghurt (100ml total) the mix in 1/8tsp (a few drops) of rennet.

Leave to stand overnight and in the morning cut into 2cm blocks with a knife and pour into the foot of a pair of tights.  You won't find the tights in the usual recipe but I'd lost the muslin I'd bought and the tights worked just fine.  Save the liquid Whey that comes off.  The cats loved it or you can use it in the bread machine.  After a couple of hours mix the curds gently with a large teaspoon of sea salt and pour into the cheese moulds and put in the fridge to drain further.  By the evening the cheese was ready, about a quarter of a litre.  I scoffed it all within 24 hours!  It's quite bland so I'm going to try adding crushed garlic and chives to the next batch.

Now must go see how the Mozzarella is getting on!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Handy trick for using django runserver/testmaker on remote server

Thanks Bart for showing me how to have a local version of django running on my VPS.

On the VPS start django as required, eg

python runserver
python testmaker -a web

Now do this from a command line where is your vps ip:

ssh root@ -L 5984:localhost:8000 -N

enter the password and it should not come back with anything.

Now go to this URL and your website should start


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What to do with a 17lb turnkey when there are only three of you for Christmas?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had less people and a bigger turnkey than planned. And we are not big eaters. So father butchered the monster into breasts, legs and carcass and we cut a small piece of one of the breasts and roasted that. Very tasty is was too and we split the leftovers between us to make at least a further mean each. So what was I going to do with the huge bowl of left over bits? After a bit of googling I came up with this recipe and am very pleased with it.

Turkey Burgers for the Freezer

Amounts approximate!

Cut up the raw turkey into chunks and whizz in the food processor to turn it into turkey mince.
20% (5 biggish onions) of turnkey mass in onions. Chop in food processor and fry gently and leave to cool.
10% (10 pieces) smoke streaky bacon add to onions and cook quickly. Didn't brown.
10% (1 large) cooking apple chopped.
1 clove of garlic, chopped finely.
1 inch cubed of ginger chopped finely.

Let the cooked ingrediants cool down and then mix all together.
Using polenta meal to coat the burgers, (Was going to use semolina, as recommended by Nigella for roast potatoes, but none in the shop. Polenta worked very well as an alternative.) I used a burger making device to form the burger and put on a baking tray coated with polenta. Freeze then take off the baking tray and put into plastic bags, ready for that need for a quick wholesome meal.

D3 Nest function - converting csv data to nested data for treemaps etc.

Just finished 8 examples of how to use the javascript visualisation library D3 nest function - notes to self really, but shared in case they are useful for others. to see the code to see all the examples run.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Simple D3 examples to try

I learn by looking at examples and then trying to modify them to do what I want. I've started creating little gists to record how use different features of d3. In case they help others, here is a start. They can all be run in bl.ocks

Processing CSV strings and files and grouping with nest:

  • - processing csv string 
  • - processing csv file 
  • - nesting/grouping to two levels

Drawing Axes:

  • - simplest possible
  • - date axis
  • - prettified, angled date labels and uses extent
  • - rescale an axis using a transition

Monday, February 20, 2012

Getting to grips with D3 Visualisations

D3 is a great library for creating all kinds of data visualisations written by Mike Bostock, but until recently I just couldn't get to grips with it. But then I discovered Scott Murray's great series of tutorials that start with the basics and build up and Luke Francl's appropriately named D3 for Mere Mortals. I've done some basic charts and am now rewriting the Protembla project management visualisations in D3. A big thank you to Mike, Scott and Luke.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is the US of A?

Watching the BBC's Panorama program on poverty in the USA lately I was shocked at the levels of homelessness, hunger and lack of healthcare in the US, still the richest country in world and still pushing their way of life on the rest of us. Even more shocking to me was the attitudes of the Republican politicians, it's your life, it's your responsibility and if you can't afford to go to the doctor, well that's your problem.

To me that is not civilized. I think one of the measures of a civilization is how it treats its weak and how it treats its animals. Even the more sophisticated animals look after their sick, their younge and their old.

But then I realised America is not a civilisation, it's not a culture, it's an economy. As an economy the measure of their success is how strong their economy is and weeding out the weak is a necessary part of maintaining that success. But has that always been so?

I don't think so. American is given us much to experiment with, some of it we love, so we don't and much we absorb without question and I think the love of money and this concept that the economy is our lord and master that cares only for sort term profit, falls in that latter category. Where that came from I don't know, but I don't think it was part of the plan of any of the cultures that found themselves there over the centuries.

Personally I am happy to live in less affluent Ireland, despite it's many problems, where we care for each other, are embarrassed to hear of people falling through the net and ashamed of our greed getting the better of us in the last years. I'd much rather be poor and part of caring community than rich and living behind locked gates.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Panic! - Beef stew without onions

I don't think I have ever made beef stew without an onion but I'd defrosted the beef and wasn't going to drive all the way into town for an onion so it was time to improvise.

I'm going through a ginger and, separately, an apple phase at the moment and also watching How to Cook like Heston - cheese programme was the latest. So having just finished a rich and satisfying beef stew, here is a rough and ready recipe:

Brown the beef chunks in hot oil then added glass (or two) of red wine to deglaze.
Add tins of chopped tomatoes in roughly equal quantity to the beef - in my case two tins, plus a bit of extra water to wash the tins out.
Add roughly copped garlic - three big cloves
Add roughly chopped ginger - two tables spoons
Oyster Sauce - two tablespoons
Rind or a large piece of hard goats cheese (thanks Heston)

Brought to the boil and then simmered for an hour with the lid on as didn't want to reduce.

Added one large cooking apple chopped in large chunks without skins and simmered for another 10 mins. You want the apple to be cooked but not disintegrated.

Was planning to add some cous cous but the larder was bare of cous cous so had wholemeal fusili cooked in the juice of the stew instead.

Really rich an filling and the chunks of apple were a nice surprise. The cheese rind really worked and easy to identify and pull out before eating. Mmmmmm.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Customising django registration - no activation email or just a username

A client had a need for removing the email activation from the standard django registration process and a prototype system I am working on needed the ability to create a user from just a username, so I was delighted to find that the current django-registration development version makes this kind of customisation easy.

Here's how:

In the registration folder, there is a new folder called backends. Create a new folder, for example myreg, and put two files in it.

The does the main work:

In this example there are two changes from the default, there is no email activation required and the registration form also asks for the users first and last names.

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.contrib.auth import login
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django import forms

from registration import signals
from registration.forms import RegistrationForm

class MyRegBackend(object):
A registration backend which implements the simplest possible
workflow: a user supplies a username, email address and password
(the bare minimum for a useful account), and is immediately signed
up and logged in.

def register(self, request, **kwargs):
Create and immediately log in a new user.

username, email, password, first_name, last_name = kwargs['username'], kwargs['email'], kwargs['password1'], kwargs['first_name'], kwargs['last_name']

u = User.objects.create_user(username, email, password)
u.first_name = first_name
u.last_name = last_name

new_user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)

login(request, new_user)
return new_user

def activate(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError

def registration_allowed(self, request):
Indicate whether account registration is currently permitted,
based on the value of the setting ``REGISTRATION_OPEN``. This
is determined as follows:

* If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is not specified in settings, or is
set to ``True``, registration is permitted.

* If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is both specified and set to
``False``, registration is not permitted.

return getattr(settings, 'REGISTRATION_OPEN', True)

def get_form_class(self, request):

class MyRegForm(RegistrationForm):

add first and last names to the form
first_name = forms.CharField(
label='First name',
last_name = forms.CharField(
label='Last name',

return MyRegForm

def post_registration_redirect(self, request, user):
After registration, redirect to the home page


return ("/", (), {})

def post_activation_redirect(self, request, user):
raise NotImplementedError

The second file is where you need to point to your new backend

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template

from registration.views import activate
from registration.views import register

urlpatterns = patterns('',
{'backend': 'registration.backends.myreg.MyRegBackend'},
{'template': 'registration/registration_closed.html'},
(r'', include('registration.auth_urls')),

Now an even simpler version. Just enter a username and the user is created and you are logged in. Note that I wanted a default password so I made password1 a hidden field on the form with the value I wanted so that is how it is able to create the user. I could also have hard coded it into the register method below.

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.contrib.auth import login
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from registration import signals
from registration.forms import RegistrationForm

class MyReg2Backend(object):
A registration backend which implements the simplest possible
workflow: a user supplies a username, email address and password
(the bare minimum for a useful account), and is immediately signed
up and logged in.

def register(self, request, **kwargs):
Create and immediately log in a new user.

username, email, password = kwargs['username'], kwargs['email'], kwargs['password1']
User.objects.create_user(username, email, password)

# authenticate() always has to be called before login(), and
# will return the user we just created.
new_user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
login(request, new_user)
return new_user

def activate(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError

def registration_allowed(self, request):
Indicate whether account registration is currently permitted,
based on the value of the setting ``REGISTRATION_OPEN``. This
is determined as follows:

* If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is not specified in settings, or is
set to ``True``, registration is permitted.

* If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is both specified and set to
``False``, registration is not permitted.

return getattr(settings, 'REGISTRATION_OPEN', True)

def get_form_class(self, request):
return RegistrationForm

def post_registration_redirect(self, request, user):
After registration, redirect to the user's account page.

return (user.get_absolute_url(), (), {})

def post_activation_redirect(self, request, user):
raise NotImplementedError

Now in you just need to call your new backend

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template

from registration.views import activate
from registration.views import register

urlpatterns = patterns('',
{'backend': 'registration.backends.myreg2.MyReg2Backend', 'template_name': 'registration/registration_form_quick.html'},
{'template': 'registration/registration_closed.html'},
(r'', include('registration.auth_urls')),